Financing - Comfort Control

Serving Ashland, Richland, Lorain & Wayne Counties Since 1980!

Serving Ashland, Richland & Wayne Counties Since 1980!

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Consumer Financing

Comfort Control Offers Financing & Payment Options to Help

Service Finance              


Spending several thousand dollars on a new furnace, air conditioner or water heater is typically not high on the list of ways any homeowner would prefer to be spending their money, and this assumes you are fortunate enough to have an emergency fund set aside for these type of things. Life is tough and often throws you curve balls, most often when you least expect it. We're happy to provide competitive consumer financing options and payment plans that suit every homeowner with varying degrees of credit. 


Financing Options Include:

  • Loans from $500 to $100,000
  • Low monthly payments
  • Zero-interest and deferred payment options
  • No down payment required
  • No annual fees
  • No pre-payment penalty
  • Competitive Interest Rates


Click Here to Apply



Ohio Residents: The Ohio laws against discrimination require that all creditors make credit equally available to all creditworthy customers, and that credit reporting agencies maintain separate credit histories on each individual upon request. The Ohio Civil Rights Commission administers compliance with this law.

Call 419-281-0144 to learn more about the your financing options or click below to get pre-qualified. Our financing providers are quick, secure and private and we'd be happy to help walk you through the process.


Comfort Control - Ashland
805 E Main St
Ashland, OH 44805
Call Ashland (419-451-4241)
Email Ashland

Comfort Control - Wellington
615 S. Main Street
Welllington, OH 44090
Call Wellington (440-647-3421)
Email Wellington

Normal Business Hours:
Monday through Friday - 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Emergency On-Call Hours: Open 24 Hours
Toll Free: (877) 650-4328

Richland County: (419) 756-7585

Wayne County: (330) 964-8696

Ohio Lic. #47848 - Ohio P.E.#77349

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