Does your water smell like rotten eggs? Buying bottled water because you can't drink out of the tap? Are you unable to buy white clothes because they're brown after the first time they go through the wash? How about water spots on dishes and silverware? Finally, are you constantly having to clean the shower and toilet to remove the rust stains?
Fortunately, Comfort Control carries a full line of fantastic water treatment and filtration products made locally here in Ashland, OH. Additionally, an entire suite of Smart Water Treatment devices provide leak detection and protection for your home by automatically shutting off the water in the event of significant leak (i.e the hot water tank fails) or if you just forgot to turn off the sprinkler. Comfort Control will provide a complimentary water test analysis to determine whether we have a piece of equipment that can make your home's water perfect!
Comfort Control - Ashland
805 E Main St
Ashland, OH 44805
Call Ashland (419-451-4241)
Email Ashland
Comfort Control - Wellington
615 S. Main Street
Welllington, OH 44090
Call Wellington (440-647-3421)
Email Wellington
Normal Business Hours:
Monday through Friday - 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Emergency On-Call Hours: Open 24 Hours
Toll Free: (877) 650-4328
Richland County: (419) 756-7585
Wayne County: (330) 964-8696
Ohio Lic. #47848 - Ohio P.E.#77349